Looking back on years gone by and the plans I made for myself, I can see the beauty in trusting in something greater than yourself. There is a plan for our lives written before the universe was unveiled, the one who hung the stars also knows us by name. Treating that as a side note, we often craft our own agendas based on human perception of what is best.
My own plans contrast greatly from that which I feel God has made possible in my life. Marriage was far from my mind just a few years ago. But today I have a partner to share our greatest journeys. God’s plans, once realized, shattered my ownand in their wake created a mosaic pieced together from the shards of my mistakes by the master’s hands. Crafted to fill every inch of my soul and flood my every expectation; that’s the plans of Christ in our lives.
From a broken race, the savior came. The perfect word became flesh and bone, susceptible to temptation and capable of sin. Overcoming all temptations and living a sinless life, the one man undeserving of death was crucified. The Father’s plan, His own plan, was carried out to completion so that we may have a choice.Unencumbered by laws, rituals and sacred rites, all that is asked of us is to believe and trust in Him. But even then, it is difficult for us to forgo our own plans and follow as he leads.
Guiding from above, God coordinates through the Holy Spirit as a guidance system navigates city streets. Faced with a barrage of detours and one-way streets, it’s impossible to see our destination from street level. But who’s to say the Promised Land isn’t around the next corner?
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